
Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Poem

Part of my job is helping my bosses work on commercials for different companies. One company needed a voiceover for its commercial and my bosses had me write it. After a few hours of serious brainstorming, this is what I came up with, and I’m actually pretty proud of it. It ended up getting cut from the commercial (it didn’t fit with the company’s culture so I’m writing something else) so I figured I’d share it here:

Bring out the dream within
That has never been silent
And chase it with vigor
Because you are defiant
To complacency.
I still believe in you.

Inside your soul
You behold the will
To reach what is thought to be hopeless
But longed for still.
So stand up! Rise!

The odds are great
And the current tries to pull us
But failure doesn’t intimidate
And the lies never fool us.
In this broken world, stand together.

One heart unbroken,
One dream uncaged,
We march forth, relentless
With the furious rage
Of passion in our blood.
Don’t ask us our age,
It doesn’t matter,
Because we believe.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading this for the first time today 12/3/14. I don't know how I missed it. I look for your blog often but, unless you mention it on facebook, I might not look once in a while.
    BTW: It's a great poem. Glad I read it!

